SEO Expert
Hey there, I hope you are having a superb day.
I AM a SEO Expert
My name is Craig McConnel and I am seeking to solve your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) needs by humbly “tossing my hat-in-the ring” of applicants for the any Senior Expert SEO consultant positions you may have available (sales or strategy).
My background covers 25 years of experience with eCommerce SEO, AdWords (21 years), website design and PHP raw code development, and custom WordPress plugin creation. I am also one of the top link builders in the world and have run several iterations of an SEO company under differing names. The most recent of which is the top Organic SEO Agency…Webspand.
My personal website has been constantly in the top 3 for link building consultant and link building expert for quite a while.
I was a senior SEO strategist, the resident PPC expert & AdWords manager at Digital Current the world’s top ranking SEO agency.
While there I performed many enterprise internet marketing functions which included working with some of the world’s largest brands like…Google, & Legal Zoom.
Some of the talents I bring to the table are that I am able to have a client facing phone conversation about search theory that builds brand credibility and trust. I am experienced in small business headaches, SEO costs and solutions as-well-as sales. I can close fortune 500 sales leads and prospects into customers.
Most of my written communications are clear and effective as well as…somewhat, entertaining.
Being a self-driven long time entrepreneur, I am able to wear many hats and get things done with ease due to my unique perspectives and decades of experience solving customer’s digital problems.
If you feel you may have a need for a team member like myself please keep me in mind for any current or future opportunities.
I also have served under some of the top digital marketing executives in the United States. I have been under the tutelage of those that helped build iCrossing and iAcquire into what they are today. I have relationships with several SEO managers and digital marketing directors as well as CMO’s.
Like everyone, I possess a few traits that are less than stellar. One of which is a constant struggle with pining down intermittent and unintentional verbal arrogance. Another is that of leadership…not in the ability to fulfill leadership qualities, but more of a lack of desire to manage employees that do not enjoy the “labor of work”.
If you think your organization could benefit from what others may refer to as an “SEO expert” or digital marketing “rock star”… please feel free to reach out and open a dialog when your schedule allows. I’ll be here seeking the perfect-fit of where your position-of-need intersects with my one-of-a kind and valuable experiences and skill set to create a partnership that is fruitful and lasting.
Let’s connect soon…